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likitty's News

Posted by likitty - September 19th, 2010

kiss me... pretty please?

kiss me

Posted by likitty - September 19th, 2010

he gave me the idea for this.. this is fail emo if he crosses your path you will get a fail also kiss me :3

thanks homsarrunner3

Posted by likitty - September 19th, 2010

he follows me and sometimes licks my face....

its that pink haired emo again

Posted by likitty - September 19th, 2010

my son has male friends they hang out at the graveyard into the emo hood (were i hang out) and the emo adults are looking at me with a rape face like they are saying "your all alone now >:)" but i think my sons are amazed cause he is emo king i have to treat him good

isnt it sweet

Posted by likitty - September 19th, 2010

i was reading something that a child in the uk is banned from the us (how stupid are Americans huh) anyway whats new in the emo hood i call home? well nothing much... have you ever seen a madness character trip? its funny yet weird when ever i see them trip i say FAIL also im not here on madness day my flash is not going to be out on madness day

how are you today

Posted by likitty - September 19th, 2010

more cowbell

you know what this flash needs

Posted by likitty - September 19th, 2010

you better run Christian bale (that random agent has already been enlightened)

you cant run from enlightenment

Posted by likitty - September 18th, 2010

dad is coming,run bale run (yes a random agent came to warn Christian bale about his fate to come mhahahahaha)

flash update picture

Posted by likitty - September 18th, 2010

my son said " if you let a emo cross your path you get bad luck but if your a emo the bad luck doesnt count only for other people"

don't let a emo cross your path or else you get bad luck

Posted by likitty - September 18th, 2010

there are gay emo guys that live in my neighborhood lol they even call my son cutie they adult emos (yes all male) they look at me and either blow kisses or get close to me and lick me (one of my fetishes Xd) but its peaceful in the day (how should i know i sleep in the day time) but at night it getz crazy and partyz too... nice.. obey emo's obey us

isnt the emo hood great