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likitty's News

Posted by likitty - September 23rd, 2010

its simple... he sounds like spy off of team fortress 2 (yeah i play it) cause he sounds french it would not be possible for him to voice act... isnt that right dad?

/* */

why can my son voice act dad or Christian bale?

Posted by likitty - September 23rd, 2010

i just started last month it would take a while to finish a flash now wouldnt it, and plus i might have to extend my due date cause i know no one can voice act dad and Christian bale i would have done both with my voice but my voice is a little dark... to dark for both of them ( dads voices has to be dark but a little lighter then mine)

2 month wait he said

Posted by likitty - September 22nd, 2010

name: strawberry

age: ???

Personality: a quiet ,dark hearted german that is somewhat gullible always looking for a challenge and her gender problem makes her sex very confuseing her and rex live in wwhat they call emo hood cause the neighborhood is mostly lived by emos.

facts: she/he hates girls but with the fact that she/he is part girl makes the hate much more confuseing and she seems to hate the usa as well and she gets confused easily

name: rex

age: 17

Personality: a gentle, yet dangerous boy, he is strawberry adopted son cause he/she is not able to have any kids but because of his stare she/he is scared of him but he has light blue eyes which makes him very cute to girls even though he doesnt like them at all, he perfers emo guys but is scared of saying that

facts: even though he was born in germany he sounds French maybe his family is from france, even though he is younger then strawberry he gives strawberry the orders and what he wants, for the oddest reason he sleeps the same way has strawberry does (at the day time) and he loves to brush his teeth and eat oranges

2 character bios for the flash menu

Posted by likitty - September 22nd, 2010

the darkness in my heart doesnt allow me to love anyone (i hate girls) i even hatez you

i don't love anyone

Posted by likitty - September 22nd, 2010

because i need another 2 months in order for it to be done cause you suck thats why

why isnt my flash out someone messaged me

Posted by likitty - September 22nd, 2010

at the end the auditor will make a black hole

shhhh i only came here to give a flash update

Posted by likitty - September 21st, 2010

im not here tomorrow cause of madness day and my flash would not be out on that day (was not enough time) oh yeah happy oktoberfest you damn Americans

remember people

Posted by likitty - September 21st, 2010

oh yeah im not gonna be here for madness day sorry these guys are happy about it either

note to the artist: i don't care what you say you are not a full flash artist yet

what was i gonna say?

Posted by likitty - September 21st, 2010

we are allowed to smoke marijuana and smoke them with bongs (those huge pipes) in the us they are banned. and you call you guys free?

what can germany do that the us cant?

Posted by likitty - September 21st, 2010

i told my son that a dog killed my kitten it deserved to die and i asked him would you like it if you had a kitten and it got killed by a dog what would you do. and he yelled out with anger " i would f*cking kill that dog... dogs are no use to me anymore... the f*cking pieces of sh*t we don't need a dog anymore the dumb ass dogs" boy i never seen my son with... so much power and darkness i love it to me he sounds like a nazi.... O_o a nazi?

everything is alright now