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likitty's News

Posted by likitty - September 21st, 2010

i must kill myself but first i will check my email for the last time.... huh whats this (happy birthday from newgrounds) i wonder what they have to say (Hiya, likitty! Happy 25th birthday! -Tom, Wade, Jim, Rob, Stamper, MindChamber, Jeff, Bob, PsychoGoldfish, Tim and Mike) huh i know p-bot sent this i bet it is (gets a email) huh whats this (im sorry mom i should have not cryed like that beside we can get another dog i know you have hate in your heart but open your heart, don't kill yourself mom life has a purpose, im part of the purpose)

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Posted by likitty - September 21st, 2010

my son is crying and saying " how could you that was my favorite dog <:'( " well i had to do what i had to do i cant stand dogs but i never seen my son this sad i bet later im going to be saying " what have i done my son hates me now oh well nothing to do but kill myself".... come to think of it im feeling depressed why did i do that? i just i can cut myself and die just die... but before i do i must tell my son "good bye rex im going to kill myself i never should have done that i let hate take over me"

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sorry i had to shoot our dog's brains out

Posted by likitty - September 21st, 2010

im not going to be on for madness day nor is my flash going to be out cause dad said so and its way too short

sorry guys but

Posted by likitty - September 21st, 2010

the cock is backwards its to late for that its already been saved

don't tell me that

Posted by likitty - September 20th, 2010

it might be used for the case part were Christian bale runs from dad... you have got to listen to this song all the way its epicness is perfect for the part

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i might use this music in my flash

Posted by likitty - September 20th, 2010

im drunk right now. zzzzzzzzzz

it was a good party

Posted by likitty - September 20th, 2010

well well well he is good use for something he tasted my 12 inches cock (im not lieing) and masturbated his 7 inches (wow XD) cock its so small thats the only use he is for

now Andrew found my house and

Posted by likitty - September 20th, 2010

my cock grew 12 inches (i swear) it grows to fast i might have to get a injection in order to slow down its growing (its so long i cant even walk i have to walk like a penguin) anyway happy birthday to me also im not here on madness day cause i hate it but my flash will not be out tell october (or longer due to problems)

happy birthday to me

Posted by likitty - September 20th, 2010

its time to get really drunk

today is my birthday

Posted by likitty - September 19th, 2010

this gay emo is so hawt if you but ice on him it will melt in a second

mr.saucy getz touched by the new character