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likitty's News

Posted by likitty - September 18th, 2010

tell me what was the worse thing you ever heard that happened in world war 2 ( please don't say the killing of the retard jews alright)

tell me about world war 2

Posted by likitty - September 18th, 2010

my son wanted me to fuck him so i did.. he liked it (cause i have a big cock) but i think im scared for life i never fucked a child before he wanted me too in order for him to hard here in emo hood (a emo neighborhood were we are living right now) there are gay male emos when i was walking around the emo hood one of them winked at me its weird but at night the emo hood is not quiet ( just how my son and me like it) cause if it gets too quiet we get scared

im sorry but i did it

Posted by likitty - September 18th, 2010

a happy rex attacked

i used run

(cant escape)

happy rex used hug

(attack power down)

i used orange

(rex defense is up... im a asshole)

happy rex used kisses

(attack power down)

i used throw

(it missed)

happy rex used lick

(its super effective)

i used run

( got away safely)

someone finish this like put in your own ideas

Posted by likitty - September 18th, 2010

i don't know what he did last night to make him very happy.. cause he is with the family you know also jbk he kisses your picture... so cute :3

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at least my son is happy

Posted by likitty - September 18th, 2010

he is i even show rex who jbk is and he said " huh? very cute" if you want his myspace i can give it to you, so you and him can talk "details". uh oh XD

Posted by likitty - September 17th, 2010

simple my friends.... i have a family to keep (i will tell you later)

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why didnt i make art for the calendar contest?

Posted by likitty - September 17th, 2010

is blocked lol i know he is from here on newgrounds but i wonder who?

who ever posted that comment on my video

Posted by likitty - September 17th, 2010

homsarrunner3 said " is he the bad guy in the flash" my answer why yes he is the bad guy. (note: this is the only flash that has no plot whatsoever i cant think of one... i fail XD)

my friend asked a question

Posted by likitty - September 17th, 2010

his name is death

one of his lines: im sorry but your time is up

i think i made up my mind for the name of this character

Posted by likitty - September 16th, 2010

(cause i don't love to wait) it cost me $400,000 to bash that play button in the thing for 12 seconds XD and here is fear (or death) again

you know when i left click and try to get the play button on a flash