why are you still here?


wouldn't you like to know

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likitty's News

Posted by likitty - September 16th, 2010

name: fear (or death if you want to call him that)
age: ???
diet: fears sometime souls (he can kill with glare which keeps you asleep and eats your soul)
place: in your nightmares feeding on your very fear
time around: only at night or in nightmares

this new character bio

Posted by likitty - September 16th, 2010

don't question someone that says positive things about you =^^=

homsarrunner3 is credit to team :3

Posted by likitty - September 16th, 2010

i cant do anything i don't even want to eat :(

emo loves you

with my cold

Posted by likitty - September 16th, 2010

i will put a update picture up in a sec and for my birthday im going to drink my beer ( my sons birthday is not until october 31... a Halloween child lol) also emo loves you (im emo so i love you)

due to my birthday weekend the flash will be stoped just for the weekend

Posted by likitty - September 16th, 2010

not so well i caught rex's fever he laughed and said" you never should have been near me im sick too you know" i couldnt even sleep cause of my sickness Xd

how am i feeling today

Posted by likitty - September 15th, 2010

i always give him everything he wants cause his stare will stare into my soul i cant even look at him i feed him (im eating less now cause of a sore throat and a running nose i can barely move)

my son (who was bio energized) is emo king

Posted by likitty - September 15th, 2010

my son was trying to get it to see if its true... well it is and i have to buy him another one *sigh*

lol red ring of death

Posted by likitty - September 15th, 2010

you guys can feel the pain emos like me go through :(

/* */

i pety you guys

Posted by likitty - September 14th, 2010

well i killed someone in front of the police they are looking for me isnt it sad? thats why when emo killing yourself will eat your pain like it will end mine

why the police are after me

Posted by likitty - September 14th, 2010

i do life is not worth living my son is not crazy like me but he doesnt want me to kill myself cause he would be lonely but i want to die (the police are after me)