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likitty's News

Posted by likitty - September 26th, 2010

my cousin has lung cancer, when a family member is dieing there is nothing you can do.... i told him to stop smoking <:'(

i got bad news

Posted by likitty - September 26th, 2010

he will be 18... he will be a man now.... oh no Xd

well my sons birthday is coming up

Posted by likitty - September 25th, 2010

rex" is your brother gay cause he touched me" and then i said" yeah" and then he looked at me with a O_o face cause half of my family is gay im supposed to be gay but im not anything cause of my gender i will never find anyone.... why am i so thirsty? ........ oh yeah those 3 beers

my son said something

Posted by likitty - September 25th, 2010

he is a gentlemen even though he burns bodys for a job but its worth it he is not married cause he doesnt like girls ( everyone in my family hates girls, my brother, my uncle, my son,....me its confuseing) i never knew my parents at all but its alright :)

i love my big bro

Posted by likitty - September 24th, 2010

he does, he touched me in my sleep Xd

this emo touches you in your sleep

Posted by likitty - September 24th, 2010

i have a big brother named skinner he works for the Cremation business he burns alot of dead people like me he hates Christians alot they cant tell people who to worship

hey sdfho

Posted by likitty - September 24th, 2010

i will never make a trailer cause it takes to much time and its file size will be huge so sdfho get some friends cause you are annoying and my good friend angrycomputer1995 asked did death died? no sweetie he did not die thats why he is called death he kills people honey

will this retard listen

Posted by likitty - September 24th, 2010

i told you that if i submit my flash on madness day it would be short (it only has 6 parts in it right now) so you have to wait and my big bro named skinner will be the voice of death here

i made it clear people X(

Posted by likitty - September 23rd, 2010

its 57 degrees (which is cold as hell) and clear... kiss me

whats the weather here in stuttgart germany?

Posted by likitty - September 23rd, 2010

death is this guy in the picture cause his voice is dark enough for it my big bros nickname is skinner anyway his voice seems to fit death cause my bros voice is so dark it scares me sometimes when he calls me :)

i think my big bro will be the voice of death