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likitty's News

Posted by likitty - September 28th, 2010

my brother is trying to get his lines perfect (i told him it doesnt have to be perfect) he wants it perfect and with his job (burning dead bodys) its gonna take a while lol

Posted by likitty - September 28th, 2010

my son got angry (and sad) about what a user said about him thats was not nice he is going to be a man next month... so sdfho you can take your sorry ass out of here before i put a handgun to your face... damn children there is only one user that a child and never said anything about rex, so go take your ass somewhere else my son is helping with the flash, my big bro hates assholes... my son said " is that why the usa is poor now?... cause of assholes like him?" and i said "yeah"

/* */

you bastard

Posted by likitty - September 27th, 2010

dad's enlightenments hurt badly... when ever i lie he comes near me and enlightens me (i swear) he thinks im his daughter (maybe cause of my long cock.. its about 11 inches now) i cant lie now or else my ass will be bleeding badly, so people please don't lie like i have been to my son.. i cant lie to him anymore. this is what i hear when i was a question that i have to lie about but cant <:(

/* */

listen people

Posted by likitty - September 27th, 2010

do you see the little message i put in here? (no not that "hey there cutie" one) also do you see any fail in there?

fail emo meets my son

Posted by likitty - September 27th, 2010

he was walking around when he heard a kitten cry it was only 5 months old it had no place to eat or sleep so he took the cat inside our house (i allow any animal except for a dog in my house) we feed it and gave it water he didn't want that kitten back out there so we have the kitten now its getting better and bonding with my son... he did i good thing that makes me happy :)

*gasp* its fail emo again

my son did a good thing

Posted by likitty - September 27th, 2010

how are you? whats going on in america?.... no let me guess....... nothing hahahaha anyway my son wanted to say he hates you but he loves you also

why hello there

Posted by likitty - September 27th, 2010


my son said

Posted by likitty - September 26th, 2010

there has been 4 full moons in a row (yes even tonights moon is full) whats happening? its weird and mr.saucy is getting touched under the moonlight :3

something isnt right i tell you

Posted by likitty - September 26th, 2010

cause my big bro is trying to get deaths lines right he says it must be perfect im not understanding why but it gives me time to relax, his voice is deep enough to be death (the guy in the picture) here are a few of deaths lines

(talking to my character who is under a piece of roof but not dead) " stop playing with me your not dead yet get up and help me catch Christian bale or i will really kill you"

( a random agent gets crushed with a rock 2 seconds before death goes into the room) " wow i did that?"

(talking to a agent that was going to shoot Christian bale but missed every shot lol)" how could you miss your too scared to shoot someone? ya damn chicken"

the flash will hold for at least a few days

Posted by likitty - September 26th, 2010

(october 31 is his birthday) he said" im gonna stare at you all night cause i can do that, i will be a man" the only advantage is the fact that he turns 18 i am able to "fuck" him because he is not a child anymore..... when i was 14 i killed someone and served a 10 year sentence i got out when i was 22.... 10 years felt like a lifetime

my son said when he turns 18 on october 31