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likitty's News

Posted by likitty - September 29th, 2010

he was looking at how my back was hurting (cause Andrew hit my back with a iron bar) because we have a coconut tree about 18 feet away from our house, its in the back yet and because my son drinks coconut milk and eats coconut meat in case he is hungry and im not home he climbed the tree and took 2 coconuts down and cut open the coconuts for the milk and gets the meat out of the coconut then he came back and told me to eat the coconut meat and drink the milk, a hour after that for some reason my back ache went away i was surprized

my son helped me

Posted by likitty - September 29th, 2010

he said "you need to take a vacation you work to hard as a assassin you need some time to get away from it all" then he came and hugged me "you really need some time away from work" he said

my son said something that is true

Posted by likitty - September 29th, 2010

Hasenpfeffer (also spelled hasenfeffer) is a traditional German stew made from marinated rabbit or hare. Hase is German for hare and Pfeffer is German for pepper, although in this case it rather refers to the small pieces of meat. The dish is prepared from smaller parts of a rabbit which are not suitable for roasting. These are braised with onions and wine and the marinade is thickened with the animal's blood

but its good X)

what is Hasenpfeffer?

Posted by likitty - September 29th, 2010

so the doctor said he just has a stomach virus but it will go away ( maybe from that pear he wanted to eat cause he wanted something different... the pear was fresh i just brought it) anyway someone told me the exorcist theme would be good for the story of " the child who never smiled" it does really seem better i never thought of it

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my son vomited last night

Posted by likitty - September 28th, 2010

sorry ilikeblamingcrap i don't love you.. but my son does, anyway this story (and flash) will be based off of my life as a child who never smiled, this little guy here will be the main character... he makes me laugh maybe cause he doesnt have any eyes anyway it will be based off of what happened as i was a child (before or after i went to prison.... those 10 years felt like forever) i prefer the saw theme but im not sure for a story theme... im thinking to think either saw or nightmare on elm street

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the child who never smiled

Posted by likitty - September 28th, 2010

i never smiled in years. i never did smile ever the last time i smiled was 10 years ago. no one can get me to smile ever

there is something about me

Posted by likitty - September 28th, 2010

stop messageing me already... jeeze its like your trying to say something >:(

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m-bot is getting me angry

Posted by likitty - September 28th, 2010

a very good question. ummmm.... i have a reason for that.. i was just watching it just throb... (psychic locks appear) ok ok i just ccame in thats how it was... also this is what i hear when he stares into my soul

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Posted by likitty - September 28th, 2010

my son was taking a nap.. peacefully (with a boner... it could have been a wet dream) when a dog somehow got into my house my son woke up and put a gun to that dogs head and it ran away and then he returned to napping... napping is the only time he is harmless.... or is he?

my son did a good thing for me

Posted by likitty - September 28th, 2010

he dared me 50 euros (about $73.26 us dollars) to drink 2 bottles of hot sauce... i had heartburn but it went away and i won my money

my big bro dared me