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likitty's News

Posted by likitty - December 9th, 2010

Because of a furry that visited me last night, it came into my room and I woke up and tired to grab my gun but it was holding my arms down and I couldn't get my gun

Posted by likitty - December 9th, 2010

the flash is still in my recycle bin i might try one more time on this flash but im not gonna submit here though its not for you >:D

when is Christan bale coming back?

Posted by likitty - December 9th, 2010

i should kill them all

i hate furries

Posted by likitty - December 9th, 2010

fucking someone with my 15 inch super hard cock, its so juicy its gonna explode

(note my nephew drew this so at least he tryed, i don't draw at all period and plus he said these were engineer drawings or something like that)

i feel like fucking someone today

Posted by likitty - December 5th, 2010

it already did

lets put a smile on that face

Posted by likitty - December 5th, 2010

you may not know this but gay marriage is legal here my big bro is married to a guy and they havent had any problem im thinking of marrying my son, its legal and i would feel happy that i will not be alone all my life :)

i am thinking of getting married to my son

Posted by likitty - December 5th, 2010

please? cause Gemini man got on my last nerve

can i shoot them?

Posted by likitty - December 4th, 2010

why look its geminiman and his "twin" they is gonna rape me O_o

my merry Christmas card

Posted by likitty - December 4th, 2010

my son was eating ws eating his dinner, i make good food but i don't eat until my son is done i don't rush him i told him i will eat when i get back, i was given a job to do : my client noticed that his girl friend was cheating on him, he wanted me to do the deadly work, my assassin name is naughty bear because for some reason i look like a teddy bear but im not fat like one but anyway that girl tired to call the police on me before she died but whats the point, here in germany the client is charged with the murder not the assassin that law saves my ass from going to prison...again sorry but i see killing people a service to people, my client didnt wanna see her face anymore, he said this " im so tired of my girl cheating on me she lied to me too" (i don't like lier's either) then he said " please get rid of her i don't wanna see her then that boy has to suffer as i did when i noticed" so i stalked the girl, she kept turning around though when i went into that house she tryed to fight back but its to late once i get behind you, you are dead, what did i do? stabbed her stomach she tired to call the police i think and then she died

i did my assassion job that my client wanted

Posted by likitty - December 4th, 2010

i hate them but i think i might be a little mean to team my son i wrote down this on a paper and gave it to him " i will kill girls,i know what to do, i will gag them and drag them to my house and maybe cut their necks or cut them open alive and watch them die" i cant believe i wrote that, i don't even remember and he said he saw my teddy bear walking around with a large knife, i asked " have you lost your mind? that teddy bear doesnt walk"

have i turned evil on girls?