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likitty's News

Posted by likitty - December 2nd, 2010

cause my friends, i have no ideas my son is spending 2 weeks with my bro, im in the house all alone but then that girl will rapez me, i feel unsafe alone and to that girl its not my fault that i am handsome and have a long cock (it was continually growing until i got that injection to at least slow it down) mr.saucy doesnt believe me

why not any new pictures?

Posted by likitty - December 2nd, 2010

name: shelly

lives: germany

gender: lol male

likes: spicy foods, guns, guys, dark places, death the kid (a character from soul eater), fruit, kisses, beheaded teddy bears (beheaded means with the head off)

dislikes: furries, girls, getting mad, children (my son doesnt count he was 16 when i got him, he was a teen at that time) sonic,mudkip, server games

favorite games: megaman (the old game only),

favorite game characters: protoman, needleman,geminiman, death the kid, pharaohman

favorite drinks: water, soda (i don't drink beer alot even though beer is the national drink of germany)

good point: keeps secrets

bad point: a little hard to get along with

a little bio about me

Posted by likitty - December 2nd, 2010

i just wasnt happy today you wouldnt like me when im angry now would you :)

i feel better now

Posted by likitty - December 2nd, 2010

im a assassin bitch, lol im typeing while blind cause like a said in another post blood goes into my eyes when im mad but im just stressed right now it will go away when i calm down and i don't know if i got my name from this character or someone else, i like him though he reminds me of me lol

/* */

you forgot one thing Jobuu

Posted by likitty - December 1st, 2010

my doctor doesn't know how blood is getting into my eyes but it gets in there when im stressed or angry, with the blood in my eye i become blind but when i calm down the blood goes away (it pours back into my system) and i will be able to see when i become blind i can only relay on hearing and movement that i can feel through my feet lol my son called me snakeman because he said i have strong jaws but i like to chew maybe thats why

Posted by likitty - December 1st, 2010

and he was sneaking in my room with a furry costume i shot him but missed and he came up and laughed at me and i said " boy you are lucky i missed" i don't like furrys if my son had been 1 second late he would be dead i told don't do that again or might be dead

i was eating the food i made for me and my son

Posted by likitty - December 1st, 2010

why? i feel very fortunate about it too because it has allowed me to be more open-minded and receptive towards different points of view.

ok i choose to be gay

Posted by likitty - November 30th, 2010

so much sorrow and sadness i am feeling i would masterbate but i don't want too im just sad and lonely not feeling loved at all, life isnt worth living right now and Geminiman is trying to rape me

im sad today

Posted by likitty - November 30th, 2010

im bored and pharaohman senses your presence in his tomb

now what?

Posted by likitty - November 29th, 2010

im cursed too stay here in my house thats not fair you know but then again i never go out in day light