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likitty's News

Posted by likitty - December 11th, 2010

but when i go to find him he was sleeping on his bed i had to wake him up, and he didnt even know i was making dinner then after that he went back to sleep, but he doesn't sound too well, he sounds sick but anyway can you guess whos in this picture? just guess

i was cooking dinner for me and my son

Posted by likitty - December 11th, 2010

who was in my tree house looking depressed and eating apples so i sat next to him, he was depressed then i looked at the tree (apples can grow here because of the weather) and then i said while eating black Liquorice "did you know that you are sweet like a apple?"he looked at me and hugged me and i let him hang out in my tree house

Posted by likitty - December 11th, 2010

(i but my diary underground to keep my big bro from reading it) i was randomly digging in my back yard when i found a metal box and when i opened it, it was my diary, like i remember it was all about me and my imaginary friends cutter and pillman i still have them with me (explained them already) and what fun we have together

Posted by likitty - December 11th, 2010

his live account name it mr-sanderson2010@live.com, if you don't wanna add him he could add you just put your MSN ID on the comment thing. look at this picture :)

my son needs some MSN friends

Posted by likitty - December 11th, 2010

for girls i would either threaten with a gun or choke them with my cock (2 died from that cause they didnt wanna confess at least confess and they would have had a reward.... my cock and freedom lol) or keep hitting them with my pistol until they either confess or die from the hits, but boys its much worse so worse that i cant explain it but anything for my client and my BDSM crazy sister will torture as well but she tortures boys but hers are even worse she will whip you and kick your balls ( which can hurt) there is more but i don't wanna say the rest

Posted by likitty - December 11th, 2010

(the last post explains them) they were with me in my 10 years of prison they were my friends and they are still with me, i woke up this morning and cutter was above my head saying " wow shelly, you grown since the last time we saw you in prison" they were talking to me, and let me tell you,prison is not were you want to be, 10 years of my life passed me

Posted by likitty - December 11th, 2010

i had them ever since i was in prison (yes there was school in prison) one of named cutter ( he looks like a redone cutman hense cutters name) and pillman (his name says it but he has a spike on his head and looks like a pill) they both are megaman recycles as i would say cutter is always the boss, he and pillman would sometimes fight at night at prison and with them disagreeing with each other here, i still have them today but they are much crazier here are some lines from them,

cutter: you know what pillman?
pillman: what?!
cutter: your a shit thats what you are
(the both would be fighting at each other)

at night at the prison:
(they were both laying next to me)
cutter: (talking to me) i will cut your hair... from the neck up mhahahaha
pillman: cutter...shut the f*ck up
cutter: are you talking to me? ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?!
( they would fight and i couldnt sleep for a while thats maybe how my sleeping problem got started)

i have imaginary friends

Posted by likitty - December 11th, 2010

he is in to BDSM (bondage) which is illegal here but he keeps it secret but whats the point we have sex toys here, im so scared when ever he calls cause he always calls to see me at his house, which means im in trouble and i get whipped badly, the only ones in my family that i know of: my nephew, my sluttish BDSM crazy sister (i hate her though cause she NEVER leaves me alone) my big bro, my adopted son, and thats it, i hate my sister i tell you, i will make a madness family picture

Posted by likitty - December 10th, 2010

i saw that furry outside my window amazingly it is not seen on my camera even though its standing in front of it, am i losing my mind? did i drink to much?

i must be loseing my marbles XD

Posted by likitty - December 10th, 2010

my son was in my big bros house, i was home alone when i saw a furry looking at me with a rape smile when i got my gun to shoot it, it was gone but it was behind me and grabed my arms i couldt shoot it and then it said " i heard you hate furries" then it licked my neck i have a fetish for that so i couldnt do much about it, the furry looked like a wolf with a hat on it and it fucked me, i still hate them though