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likitty's News

Posted by likitty - June 28th, 2011

*talks with a smooth voice*how is your night? possibly hitting the clubs or enjoying wine or just laying there in your bed thinking about the next day ahead of you or listening to smooth jazz in your bed but don't worry a whole night awaits you.

good evening ladies

Posted by likitty - June 28th, 2011

its too hot to do shit, i hate summer

summer sucks

Posted by likitty - June 27th, 2011

he said he wants me to have sex with my girlfriends, but not tonight because its monday

im gonna kick williams ass

Posted by likitty - June 27th, 2011

summers are boring

just like i said

Posted by likitty - June 27th, 2011

a few more to go, i have to check my list

1 blocked user

Posted by likitty - June 27th, 2011

i can't talk to my girls (yes we are lesbian) without him saying stuff like " oh my god lesbians" he is half a woman so he should know how to be gay

note: it fucking took me 45 minutes to make this picture, im not kidding

william is very annoying

Posted by likitty - June 27th, 2011

adventure time, the regular show, and problem sloverz to name a few.

adventure shit, the ass show and the problem fuckers thats what it should be.

adventure time: should be adventure shit

the problem sloverz: more like the problem fuckers

the rugular show: should be the ass show

cartoon network has really been going down hill with cartoons, they shat bad cartoons so bad that my nephew doesn't like them, i wouldn't rather look at a gun in my face then look at those show, i would rather drink shit then look at them, face it americans don't know how to make cartoons, japan makes better cartoons

cartoon network shits out bad cartoons

Posted by likitty - June 26th, 2011

for drinking so, we got out asses enlightened and let me tell you....... it hurts very badly

dad is angry at me and heather

Posted by likitty - June 26th, 2011

hell no its fucking nasty

he told me to taste the white stuff

Posted by likitty - June 26th, 2011

and how he is gonna try and make me straight, he was calling me a virgin, he said he wants to take it but i would never have sex with a half-man half-woman, and besides he wanted me to say a sex story that i have but i don't have any, he wants me to play 7 minutes of heaven, you guys should know what that game is, im only gonna explain it to a few people anyway he refused, it's either his balls growing again or he is happy to see me cause he is very very sexual to me, but why me? why not matthew?

william came in my room talking about sex