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likitty's News

Posted by likitty - June 26th, 2011

not a good match

drunk driving

Posted by likitty - June 26th, 2011

i had to mch to drink

satrday nights ar cool

Posted by likitty - June 25th, 2011

but only about my girl, we both see each other, she has another girl too but we agree to not fight over each other, we love each other, and yes we do have "three-somes" at times. you have a problem? huh?

hey i daydream too

Posted by likitty - June 25th, 2011

and let me tell you it felt so good to get that anger out.

i just snapped at a guy for making fun of my profile (on 2 other sites)

Posted by likitty - June 25th, 2011

summer is boring has shit, i feel like the pixies from fairy odd parents, summer isn't fun to me

people stop talking about summer

Posted by likitty - June 25th, 2011

yep me and the person i fight with

ah now the picture rings a bell

Posted by likitty - June 24th, 2011

does it ring a bell? it reminds me of me and someone else

this picture is familiar

Posted by likitty - June 24th, 2011

(what muffins is: muffins is actually a man but not a normal man, he is like a monster and he loves to eat people)

anyway muffins has power seduction powers, it will cause you to melt into a puddle, but however he will only do it to guys, you can try and get him to like girls but it will not work.

be careful muffins can be very sexual

Posted by likitty - June 24th, 2011

muffins is actually a man but not a normal man, he acts like a monster and he loves to eat people and he is insane but very sexual to gay guys but he rapes me i might make a picture of what he looks like,

he is only insane due to the experiments i did on him.

im gonna explain who muffins is

Posted by likitty - June 24th, 2011

none so im just gonna have my Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte and take a nap, im very bored there is nothing to do on newgrounds.

got no pictures this time