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likitty's News

Posted by likitty - June 30th, 2011

they just talk, talk, talk, about sex and who knows what.

Americans are nuts these days

Posted by likitty - June 30th, 2011

if they are, they would look like inspector gadget in this picture after doing their job

i wonder if the bots on newgrounds are real

Posted by likitty - June 30th, 2011

being fucking bored at 10 pm(time zones so here in germany we have a different time) i feel like going to sleep

as i sit here staring at my screen

Posted by likitty - June 30th, 2011

social sites. i hate them, why the hell do people talk so much? why can't they talk outside rather then on a dumb ass site like facebook,myspace and newgrounds,youtube at least got more shit and less talking (which is fine with me) stop talking so much that's why newgrounds server is so slow now (im on here not to talk im just here for no reason and for madness combat)

that's bullshit.

you know whats buuuuuulllllshit?!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by likitty - June 30th, 2011

william is a had a son named lucifer but his father is unclear and dad said "you made me a son... i mean grandson"

i had a son?

Posted by likitty - June 30th, 2011

you are dead, not big surprise

go go gadget late night

Posted by likitty - June 30th, 2011

making railways

im in your house

Posted by likitty - June 29th, 2011

he is like "why are you lesbian? how can you be lesbian? you are not gonna have kids? do i need to enlighten you for that?"

god damn it, i don't like men period.

dad is so angry at me

Posted by likitty - June 29th, 2011

how's it going?

(christian bale has come back from the dead O_o)

hey there

Posted by likitty - June 28th, 2011

*talks with smooth voice* well well another night of your life, you should be happy your day is over so as you go into your bed or go and hang out with friends(or whatever Americans do at night) here is a thought your day must have been a good one for you so have a goodnight.

good evening ladies