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likitty's News

Posted by likitty - July 6th, 2011

always fighting over something, its common really

this is me and giancarlo99

Posted by likitty - July 5th, 2011

just don't do it

Posted by likitty - July 5th, 2011

*evily giggles* with a baseball bat cause it wouldn't shut the hell up now i have peace and quiet :)

i killed a dog

Posted by likitty - July 4th, 2011

no good games, no good flashes, its really going down hill were the people who made them drunk driving? were they on crack? its only Americans that made bad games and flashes

dumbassess made those games

newgrounds is going down hill now

Posted by likitty - July 3rd, 2011

i would rather eat shit then doing anything in summer, there is nothing to do i would rather look at this avatars awkward dance

summer is ass

Posted by likitty - July 2nd, 2011

i shot him in his cock lol

dad u suck

Posted by likitty - July 2nd, 2011

its a species of human that has no mind, but im curious about the species thats why i have alot of them used for experimentation and study, they are a common species on earth, the mind of a man is of mystery to me, they are creatures.

i know a man is

Posted by likitty - July 1st, 2011

even though it gets cold here sometimes its still boring, the only thing Americans do is have sex, im the last of my family (my mom was killed and my dad died, my sister killed herself, my brother jumped off a building) i will not have sex with no man, i rarely have sex at all (my gene disorder made me both male and female) so fuck yourself Americans with your bad shape state right now

summers are boring

Posted by likitty - July 1st, 2011

the dance is very weird even for a avatar

Posted by likitty - June 30th, 2011

i don't care just do it

you just go have sex or whatever Americans do.