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likitty's News

Posted by likitty - July 28th, 2010

im having a art contest the winner gets pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald roms on virtual boy advance (for pc) we will give you the emulator too and one cheat code for the game currency of game shark cheat codes

only one rule to this contest..... HAVE FUN

strawberry will be judgeing the arts something she says i cant do cause i always pick the bad ones

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Posted by likitty - July 27th, 2010

i was visiting then in there forest were strawberry took me sense i was the first human to visit here i was considered a guest of honor they looked like cat things like what strawberry looks like they were making a fish dinner(in a tribe way) sense it was late at night there are so many males it seems like strawberry is the only female (even though she is not she is a transsexual) but the leader named king said they is sometimes a likely chance they will be a female the only female there is a young zoidian females however will not mate until they get about 10 years old that yoning female zoidian is already starting to mate with different males until she gives birth to more zoidians and hopefully some females because like humans there is a 15% chance that it will be a girl and when i tasted the fish it tasted so good and the vegs they have is better then the humans they drink water from a local lake thats not connected to the sea so its very clean to drink and the zoidians have doctors that use magic plants to heal the body and after the first night which was nice in they're grass houses that are made from grass and berry juice there was no dirt inside the houses which was better good and for breakfast they have tastey berries and before i left they have me a necklace made from snake skulls it doesnt smell but king said this will give you power all that lives in there forest is chicken and rat snake which is not a danger to them they even eat them

Posted by likitty - July 27th, 2010

this also if you want a pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald rom tell me and i will ask strawberry

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Posted by likitty - July 27th, 2010

cause i fell down the stairs

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Posted by likitty - July 27th, 2010

she might look like a normal person (at least in the day time) but she is a master assassin and pokemon master she is a meat lover and doesnt last long without meat she loves chicken,beef,and rabbit (yes in germany they have rabbit meat) its not the best meat if you ever had a bunny as a pet but for germans its a special meat other then sausages and beer is germanys most favorable drink and when strawberry gets sad she drinks milk (although milk has the same effect as beer in large cups) she loves spicy stuff (cause her mother was born in spain and her dad is from Brooklyn new york) but she was born in germany and has lived there with her sister who breeds and sells chickens (even though she lives in the city part of germany) she is proud of germany and she always thinks the us hardly as any money she is not a nazi (which what you guys call with people from germany) however im not from the us i live in sydney Australia and Pork, beef, and poultry are the main varieties of meat consumed in Germany, with pork being the most popular. The average person in Germany will consume up to 140 lbs meat in a year. Among poultry, chicken is most common, although duck, goose, and turkey are also enjoyed. Game meats, especially boar, rabbit, and venison (deer meat) are also widely available all year round. Lamb and goat are also available, but are not as popular.

Posted by likitty - July 27th, 2010

i need tips i love strawberry but im to shy to tell her any tips? we both has something in common

we both are meat lovers

we both like guns

we both like pickles

we both have a cock


Posted by likitty - July 26th, 2010

im going to visit the zoidians which is strawberrys race she is a zoidian they are cat like creatures they live in a special forest there is hardly any females there mostly males but i have no time to explain i must go


Posted by likitty - July 25th, 2010

strawberry was dared to drink my cum for 10 dollars and she did it and got 10 dollars she went to go wash her mouth while i looked for this cute picture


Posted by likitty - July 25th, 2010

i got permission from thecriminalduder to use the art so don't yell

edit: that was the wrong video

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Posted by likitty - July 24th, 2010

zoidian cat like creatures that live in a jungle they mate like humans do there arent many females and they eat, rabbit,snake,fish sometimes humans they believe in the fact that souls only leave the body that died and return to the underworld they don't live near pingas forest however but they do live away from humans they only eat them if they get to close to there land strawberry walked off from the land and lives with human