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likitty's News

Posted by likitty - September 8th, 2010

we got a mission to do and his first mission so i must be ready we leave Friday night ( night cause of the sun)

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me and my son will be gone over the weekend

Posted by likitty - September 8th, 2010

he said " mom i want to rule the world the Americans hate you and me mom we can give them they're just desserts" then he went make to his darker then a black hole room im worried about that too cause my friend lives in the us.... does that mean Nazis will be back?

my son wants to rule the world

Posted by likitty - September 8th, 2010

he getz urinary tract infection the poor king has to take pills until the infection goes away (i have a foot infection it never went away XD)

my poor emo king (my son)

Posted by likitty - September 8th, 2010

he said " you know your son sounds like rocky you should be mugsy" i don't like mugsy i like rocky even though my son sounds it like me (yeah he says c'meme)

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andrew said something

Posted by likitty - September 7th, 2010

im a slave to him i will give him whatever he wants (cause his stare scars me for life it stares into your soul) i know im the first parent you have seen thats scared of her/his child im just not mean to children (im mean to andrew)

my son is not a slave to me

Posted by likitty - September 7th, 2010

well a nightmare really that andrew killed my son right before my eyes i was crying and then he sad " your son look so good in blood red"( when i woke up my son was next to me hugging me cause i sometimes cry in my sleep when that happens i was happy that he was still alive) i will kill andrew if he did that i swear i will rip his cock off >:'(

i haz a dream

Posted by likitty - September 6th, 2010

(he didnt get hard because of his problem) "wow mom i didn't know your snake was that big" he came to hug me and said " i wish mine was big likes yours mommy" but i told him that mine doesnt stop growing i swear when horny its 10 inches but when its not its just 9 inches my sons is only 6 inches but it will grow.... also he is emo king you must obey

my son caught me masturbating

Posted by likitty - September 6th, 2010

he is always here when im going to kill myself... which is what im going to do i sometimes hug my headless mudkip doll (i cut the head off cause i hate mudkips) to feel better but its not working my son might say " mom don't kill yourself i love you very much don't leave me :'(" but i have no other way i must die it will free me from my problem... i should teach my son that before i kill myself

i need my suicide guy

Posted by likitty - September 5th, 2010

its 12:03am were im at (uh oh midnight hehehe) when it gets morning (7:00 am)i must go back to my cave (my bed) (my son is a night owl too he calls his bed the dark chamber and i cant be in the sun alot im senstitive to the sun) but the night life is good :) also its 54 F its colder then a planet here

not even morning yet

Posted by likitty - September 4th, 2010

i seez nazis O_o

i might get in trouble for this but