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likitty's News

Posted by likitty - October 6th, 2010

sdfho a boner is a slang for when your hard... your a dumbass

Posted by likitty - October 6th, 2010

after finishing his lunch of one of his favorite foods (goose soup.. what? its yummy) now he is sleeping so quietly with a boner O_o he said that his tiny cock has a boner when im near.. meaning thats it happy to see me.. cause when im near him his tiny cock throbs.... O_o

Posted by likitty - October 6th, 2010

i did i swear

i had a dream about this character

Posted by likitty - October 5th, 2010

i much as i know what French kissing is i don't wanna do it... its nasty you have to use your tongue too ewwww (im not weak i have been in prison for a while and life passed me by)


Posted by likitty - October 5th, 2010

are you alright?

lol mr.saucy?

Posted by likitty - October 5th, 2010

like the one i was in for my 10 years sentence like for a example if i was in the usa prison my level would be Supermax (As the name implies, the custody level goes beyond Maximum by segregating the "worst of the worst" criminals and terrorists who pose a threat to national security) during my time in prison nothing much i had friends (if you don't find friends when you go to prison you will die) i lived in a cell near the death house, like i can look at the death house and watch dead death row inmates come out.

Posted by likitty - October 4th, 2010

he is a little mad today he yelled at me......... oh wait now he is crying......... maybe i should go talk to him

Posted by likitty - October 4th, 2010

he yelled at me, is it because his puberty just came (yeah it did.. the doctor said it was very late he should have had it when he was 16) mine didnt come tell i was 20 lol

(oh yeah and sorry sdfho i was sleeping thats why i couldnt reply)

Posted by likitty - October 4th, 2010

i cant go outside without my hoodie cause in sunlight i will collapse and be knocked out so thats the only way i can be outside

Posted by likitty - October 3rd, 2010

i wanna kill myself now cause well... im lonely... and i hate myself