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likitty's News

Posted by likitty - October 9th, 2010

but Christian bale hates when i say that cause he hates me alot cause i hate Christians, i have no religion, but i hate Christians most off all.... uh oh Christian bale is gonna kill me :(

i hate Christians

Posted by likitty - October 8th, 2010

im going to go shoot myself in the head. i will save you some pieces of brain

im sad

Posted by likitty - October 8th, 2010

i was looking for my pen (to write something) and i asked my son but he told me it was in my hand.. im so silly X3

lol the silliest thing

Posted by likitty - October 8th, 2010

tomorrow if i feel well k?

/* */

when will a flash picture update come?

Posted by likitty - October 8th, 2010

thats who is on the floor lol

fail grunt

Posted by likitty - October 8th, 2010

(he is adopted, im still a virgin so don't think anything)

he saw i was crying and he ask " whats wrong (gave me a hug) huh?' but then i said " no one likes me cause of my gender and my still growing cock it scares people :( " but then he smiled and said " at least im your son you should be happy or maybe cause you cant live by your self" and then he hugged me im still crying now

Posted by likitty - October 8th, 2010

its time to masterbate :3

its weekend

Posted by likitty - October 7th, 2010

hey its gonna be the weekend... oh well right? i wonder what he did in that house

how are you

Posted by likitty - October 7th, 2010

to tell the truth i don't know cause im waiting my brother hates to be rushed but " the child that never smiled" flash is underway :3

when is my flash coming huh?

Posted by likitty - October 6th, 2010

( i heard him when i was walking upstairs to my room) he was talking while playing team fortress 2 he said this " but my parent is both genders cause she has a cock which makes me happy but if she dares to fight me i will eat her alive i will tie her to a table then i will cut her open and i will drink her blood and eat her organs while she is still alive. she might be in great pain but its her flesh thats tastey mhahahaha" i heard my son say something like that he will kill me.... at least that cannibal side of him sounds like me