but this is the stupidest I've ever seen
i bet those mods are either corrupt or don't know how to do their job and it clearly says "for no reason" that means you banned him for no reason.
that's the stupidest thing i ever seen i bet you mods were bored how can you ban someone for the stupidest reason.
im speaking for him because he is my friend and i will not have this unheard.
if you don't like what i say it's freedom of speech take or leave it dude.
lets see if you ban me for speaking my mind,it's my mind i get to say what i want to say and when i want to say it
I even remember posting in a penis thread just because I wanted to say "lmfao" to a picture an elephant that pulverized a car with his lazer penis.
that's odd but it's that a reason to ban you