in order for me and lil timmy and alex to return to germany (in a week) me and lil timmy have to be in animal carriers i mean why? why do i have to be in a animal carrier?
FACTS : lil timmy he lives in the new york subway tunnel and his job is sabotageing the subway trains he has tons of things to sabotage the trains with (example causeing a blackout) he only gets out of the tunnels and on a station platform to go somewhere to eat or use the bathroom cause if he pees on that third rail (the rail that powers the train) he will short circuit and power will be cut (one of the ways he can cause a blackout) if you see him and you live in new york be careful please be careful also do not put your children near the gap of the door of the train or else lil timmy will grab the child from the biggest gap to the door and rape your child trust me i went too close to that gap it was a big mistake
because your charater is half cat lol
awww your right :3