it well not eat my birds. his name is geno ( named after the doll in super mario rpg) he is a woma python. he is very tame . he is 3 feet long and he is in a tank with a heat lamp and i just feed him a live feeder rat. he was hungry he attacked it and squeeze it to death ( thats what pythons do) right now he is under the heat lamp. maybe he is taking a nap. i have a animal carrier with a few rats waiting there execution. i feed the rats some rat food. it well take a while before the snake gets hungry again. but he is calm right now. he got his shots and the vet says that he is doing fine eat like he should. if there is another problem i well take geno to the vet. right now he is resting from eating the jumbo rat
rape time?
WHAT THE F*-sa8fd