*this takes place at my characters house*
strawberry: for the love of sweet satan my head *rubs my head* were is that banging coming from?
*strawberry looks at a guy banging a eel*
strawberry: stop that banging >:(
the guy: im trying to ill this eel
strawberry: *yells in the guys ear* stop that banging
the guy: i cant get its so slimey i cant kill it
strawberry: *grabs the eel* i'll show you how to kill it you grab it and cut off its head
*strawberry cuts the eels head off*
strawberry: *gives the guy the eel* there now *yells in the guys ear*no more banging!
*while strawberry goes to take a nap the guy cooks the eel*
* then he gives strawberry some food and strawberry eats it*
strawberry: its evil that gives it favor mhahahahaha >:)
you melt its face, not cut its head off
i know i wanted to make it cool and you saw that video?