why are you still here?


wouldn't you like to know

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Posted by likitty - August 13th, 2009

vampires are coming to suck my blood.*hides*



Hahahahahahaha! I... will... suck... your... BLOOD!

don't touch me *backs into a wall*

I'll only touch you with my teeth. And you can't kill a vampire made of fire.

someone help me.i think he is coming to me to suck my blood

*Bears teeth.* prepare to die. *Gets shot by a shot gun.* Huh? Who shot me?! *I come in.* Git outta 'ere stup'd Auditor.

*gets scared*

(evil laugh)look behind you! not so fast i right next to you! and here we go suck some blood!

*looks behind me*huh?

'On't Pay any at'ention to 'at Auditor. He al'ays Shape-Shif'ed into me.

*the auditor kills you* oh no

*My sister comes in.* "Oh no. *Runs behind you.* "The auditor will kill me! And I don't have my big daddy either!"

*your big daddy comes*you have a big daddy.go to him he will protect you

*Runs to big daddy.* "Kill him! Kill the Auditor!"

no don't kill him.just take the girl to safety.*your sister runs with the big daddy*what are you going to do to me Auditor?

*Auditor gets up.* I am going to kill you. Bwahahahahahaha! *I get up with the last of my health.* Auditor, you jackass, I'm going to blow you up. *Takes out a time bomb strapped onto 4 oxygen containers.* *Grabs the Auditor and blows him into little fire pieces.*

*auditor comes back*oh no

The Auditor: Now, with that dumbass out of the way, I can finally kill you. *Gets shot.* Who the hell interrupted this time? Huh? I guess no one.

i shot the gun*gun is out of ammo*thats not good

The Auditor: Now, is there anybody else who can possibly interrupt now? *I come back as just my torso and half my head.* Me: I still can. The Auditor: WTF! How come you won't die! do you have super-powers, or you just really tough?!

*shoots you in the head*why did i miss? and the auditor is going to suck my blood

Auditor: I'm going to cut off your head and throw it! then I'm going to eat your spine and your heart! Then I'll skin you and make bacon! And then I'll use your meat to make a sandwich!

*backs up in a corner*

Auditor: *Takes out a knife.* Shall we get started? Actually, I want to cut off your arms and beat you with them first.


Auditor: *Starts to swing at your neck when knife explodes.* whaaaaaaa? Oh dammit. Your friend rigged up my knife with some explosives. Dammit.

*takes explosives and throws them away*

Auditor: *Spawns a machete.* Shall we get started finally?


No one can help. Zmatrix's dead, his cowardly sister ran away with that big daddy, and I'm getting impatient. Let's do this *Raises machete.*


Auditor: Why do you keep gulping?!

im scared.but you can hurt me anyway

Auditor: I am utterly heartless. Now, *Raises machete* what should I do first?

*covers eyes*

Auditor: *Swings but gets stopped.* Huh? Who the hell, is intervening now?!

My character: Me. *Bends back machete and breaks it.*

Auditor: What the...? nobody is stronger than me!

My character: See the flames? See the power? I am stronger than you. *Punches Auditor through a wall.* *Looks at you*. Are you ok?

*is still scared and talks fast*i am the great cornholio

Oh well, I'm going to bed. It's 5:00 in the morning, so g'night.

ok g'night