why are you still here?


wouldn't you like to know

Joined on 12/3/08

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never! *injects caffine directly into my veins; picks upshotgun* :(

oops ok i will leave you alone


oh yeah you wanna see a picture with jeffs info? (the words may be a little small)

post before am i right?

yeah but you just can't see the words unless you have glasses (or a monocle in my case cause i can't see small words through my right eye so i need my nonocle to see)

I Picked Up A Double Barrel Shotgun. Loaded 8 Rounds. Builded A Barracade.

it can't stop jeff the killer

i say otherwise ^_^ and wasnt his hoodie white?

whoever made the info didn't know that his hoodie should be white and they didn't know how to spell

i must have good vison

i will show it again shortly

you must be into a LOT of creepy **** bro

yep i love creepy **** :3

to be honest your version of him is better than that pic more sadistic than looking like a crazy albino

so mine is the more crazy looking?

more bloody and psycotic hell yea

hell yes

won't lie i might not sleep tonight cause of you

why? what did i do?

let me meet your 'friend' jeff thats what

i thought you before its a creepypasta

is this a true story?!

possibly not but i really don't know

if he is or not im still sleeping with my hands grasped around my knife.

hows your nephew?

he got my mom to tell me off ha! he wont even enter the room now.

you could have said it was a picture that a sadistic person made

true but if i can't convince him dragons are fake how can i convince him to enter a room and look a a picture like that?

-no lie he belives in dragons in space

your nephew has got to be young because dragons in space aren't real. oh yeah whats his name? im gonna make a quick picture


wow he has a man name and yet he is just a little baby (not trying to be mean)

LOL hes named after his dad (who happens to be named after a serial killer [robert carr the third])

wow is your nephew annoying?

a bit but not really i only see him every so often so hes not a burden

does he cry to mommy when he is scared?

nah he screams like he just saw jeff the killer

the picture is finished

lemme c ;D

in the other post