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likitty's News

Posted by likitty - July 12th, 2010

just cause she has constipation she thinks she is dieing she came to my company crying and hugging me i keep saying your not dieing you just need to chance your diet or drink for water she is still crying and i don't want her sleeping with me either (or do i?)


Posted by likitty - July 12th, 2010

they live in a forest called penis forest they look like your penis they hop around in other to get around they hop on the base of the penis not the side of it, they can see but they can feel and sense im going to go penis hunting to understand them anyway all of them are the same size (medium) expect for the king he is a little larger then most of them cause he mates for human females here is some info to explain that i must go hunt them before sun down or else the king might rape me and no thats not one of them thats my cock strawberry is looking at

there live in the forest were they eat berries and fruit but once a full moon comes out the dominant male (king) looks for a mate (there are no female penis's so human female would have to be used) he mates with a girl in the forest and the girl has to stay there and live with them they say that giving birth to penis's is really painless and they have to stay there for a year when they're no longer fertile some girls even go there to lose there virginly thats why the human male population is very low in the town next to the forest, the kings salves (other penis's) are not fertile only the king is, the king is much more aggressive then his salves are he will do anything to find a mate even rape someone but when the king finds a female penis in the baby place they will be killed cause thats the way they work, the forest is dangerous be careful even if you kill a penis, hundreds of them will attack you you cant kill the king penis because he is not killed not even by a nuke the king lives for about 40 years, and before he dies he choses a new king to carry on reproducing with human queens


Posted by likitty - July 12th, 2010

nut cracker(strawberry) what are you doing in my bathroom?

you can see the damage she done with her special shoes..... it hurt my cock

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Posted by likitty - July 12th, 2010

its too epic, better then newgrounds music its even been in movies

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Posted by likitty - July 12th, 2010

that was really nut crackers idea they will get you don't go into that forest (see last post for info)

nevermind i will put it here people are lazy like me XP

there live in a forest were they eat berries and fruit but once a full moon comes out the dominant male (king) looks for a mate (there are no female penis's so human female would have to be used) he mates with a girl in the forest and the girl has to stay there and live with them they say that giving birth to penis's is really painless and they have to stay there for a year when they're no longer fertile some girls even go there to lose there virginly thats why the human male population is very low in the town next to the forest, the kings salves (other penis's) are not fertile only the king is, the king is much more aggressive then his salves are he will do anything to find a mate even rape someone but when the king finds a female penis in the baby place they will be killed cause thats the way they work, the forest is dangerous be careful even if you kill a penis, hundreds of them will attack you you cant kill the king penis because he is not killed not even by a nuke the king lives for about 40 years, and before he dies he choses a new king to carry on reproducing with human queens

Posted by likitty - July 12th, 2010

there live in a forest were they eat berries and fruit but once a full moon comes out the dominant male (king) looks for a mate (there are no female penis's so human female would have to be used) he mates with a girl in the forest and the girl has to stay there and live with them they say that giving birth to penis's is really painless and they have to stay there for a year when they're no longer fertile some girls even go there to lose there virginly thats why the human male population is very low in the town next to the forest, the kings salves ( other penis's) are not fertile only the king is, the king is much more aggressive then his salves are he will do anything to find a mate even rape someone but when the king finds a female penis in the baby place they will be killed cause thats the way they work, the forest is dangerous be careful even if you kill a penis, hundreds of them will attack you you cant kill the king penis because he is not killed not even by a nuke the king lives for about 40 years, and before he dies he choses a new king to carry on reproducing with human queens

Posted by likitty - July 11th, 2010

a wild Kavinel appeared

nut cracker ( strawberry) used nut crack

(its super effective)

skull crusher (the guy on the left) used skull crush

(it missed)

wild Kavinel used insult

(not very effective)

nut cracker used wait

(it raised its speed)

skull crusher used skull crush

(one-hit KO)

the wild Kavinel fainted


Posted by likitty - July 11th, 2010

strawberry (the one on the left) she/he is called the nut cracker (reason: she/he kicks boys in they're nuts with her special shoes that will spike into your nuts and cause bleeding and pain)

no name yet (the guy on the right) he is called skull crusher (reason: cause he likes to crush skulls to a blood pulp even if you fight back he will still crush your skull)

and me (im not in the picture) nut cracker just calls me wimp or faggot ( reason: maybe cause im nut crackers favorite target i had to be at the doctor so many times and with skull crusher the only thing he crushed is my soul because he keeps sending disturbing videos)

now which one is safer for you?


Posted by likitty - July 11th, 2010

i had a wet dream how cute but fail


Posted by likitty - July 10th, 2010

i found some pokemon song that match's robot day i found it while i was playing pokemon leaf green oh well i must go before the nutcracker (strawberry) finds me online also fail bot said YOU FAIL

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