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likitty's News

Posted by likitty - December 23rd, 2010

(your gonna have to see the other post for the plot on whats going on im not repeating myself)

megaman doesnt know anything about new years: comic part 2

Posted by likitty - December 23rd, 2010

its a simple new years one, there will be more then this, at the end megaman will find out what new years is, its a comic

megaman doesnt know anything about new years: comic part 1

Posted by likitty - December 22nd, 2010

buts its a good picture,

sorry for this being small

Posted by likitty - December 22nd, 2010

indeed (needleman hates me very much but i love him)

alot of megaman bosses, my favorite ones that is

Posted by likitty - December 21st, 2010

the worlds are fusing (madness combat world and megaman world)

something is happening

Posted by likitty - December 21st, 2010

i don't know really just watching my son sleep cause he has a fever he needs to stay cold because he is burning up but he is getting better,i know its creepy to watch your child sleep but the doctor said to keep a eye on him

how am i doing?

Posted by likitty - December 20th, 2010

my family was a mafia my parents were killed during a mafia war during that i was in prison when i was 14 for murder i spent 10 years in that place when i was freed i adopted a son due to my fertily rate being 1%, because he is not under my name its alright to have sex with him, the age allowed to have sex here in germany is 14 and up what a life huh guys? anyway i have a 15 inch cock ( no lie) its that long because of a disorder i caught from my family, my fathers was 18 inches mine is still growing though, that injection i got only slows down the growing, it loves to grow what can i say but anyway i don't drink germanys national drink (which is beer) because i want a healthy life not a damn retarded life my only family now is my big bro, my bdsm crazy sister (you don't wanna see her now,she will kick your balls sometimes) and my little nephew and my 18 year old son who wants me to fuck him badly so why don't you get your retarded ass off of my page, like you ever have a family, im neither gay or straight i hate straight people so take your bass somewhere else

let me tell you about me manicjudgement

Posted by likitty - December 20th, 2010

first of all that is not wingman, wingman was never made, that was bass, even Christan bale hates you because you made the black hole in his house, anything can be in madness combat thats why its called madness

manicjudgement go somewhere else with your saying shit

Posted by likitty - December 20th, 2010

bass is the new player here, Christan bale tried to shoot him but he jumped and Christan bale shot his friend

back on the flash train track

Posted by likitty - December 20th, 2010


sparkman rapes noobs