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likitty's News

Posted by likitty - June 17th, 2011

this trespasser is on my property and for some reason my guards will not kill him i cant kill him cause he keeps using his womanizer powers on me

this little trespasser used attract on me... and it worked

Posted by likitty - June 17th, 2011

well.... good gawd!!

(yes noobs cant look at the good part cause noobs will jerk off to it and im sorry noobs but if you cant touch yourself you cant look at it)

didnt i say i was gonna get raped

Posted by likitty - June 16th, 2011

i have been whipped into order to make this, now i have to go clean the house

im a slave today

Posted by likitty - June 16th, 2011

here you go

better image for my friend

Posted by likitty - June 16th, 2011


finally its finished

Posted by likitty - June 16th, 2011

giancarlo99 im not sure what am i doing wrong but this scares the living shit out of me. *crys* :'(

im scared

Posted by likitty - June 16th, 2011

but Matthew (the guy looking at me) doesn't seem to mind it, he is always happy to see me while his big bro whos name is william is just hanging out

p.s: my faces are getting better aren't they?

i come home a little grumpy

Posted by likitty - June 16th, 2011

that is the question

note: i made that sharp teeth mouth myself

to kill or be killed?

Posted by likitty - June 14th, 2011

like this girl here so me and heather gonna watch our backs

rape in this prison camp is common with women

Posted by likitty - June 13th, 2011

well my friends,me and heather are in a prison camp the only labor i do is make railways (which is nice) heather is doing the same im worried about both of us i heard in this camp women get raped i think im going to get raped cause a guard winked at me but me and heather are planning a escape and we will do it.

remember this: the hammer is stronger then the nail it hits

a prison thing for my friends (if any) lol