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likitty's News

Posted by likitty - June 21st, 2011

men will suffer more illness then women (due to women having a higher white blood cell count) and with puberty they cant control themselves thanks to sex hormones being made in there body, as you may know women mature (or grow) faster then men do i believe the reason for this is that the male body needs to take its time and with women Puberty begins at about age 10 while with men i think its either 14 or 15 and men have a short life then women but men to me are nothing more then animals due to there love with sex and straight people (im neither gay or straight i have no interest) right now im studying the men that are captured to understand them, anyway with puberty men can lose control at time like with William and Matthew for example, William has already went through that phase and now he masturbates like crazy and will not stop looking at me in the shower but Matthew is different, he doesn't have a interest in girls at all and he doesn't masturbate even though he is at that age were he should be, he prefers to relax rather then William who will not leave me alone, and yes he is a virgin he hasn't raped me in my sleep yet but i believe he will but Matthew doesn't like sex he believes that it is nasty and have no purpose which is what i think.

in my option about men (sorry that you have to read all this)

Posted by likitty - June 21st, 2011

men have more blood then women (however women have more white blood cells then men which is the reason they have a little less diseases then men do)

you got blood all over my suit

Posted by likitty - June 21st, 2011

hang on

i don't know if it will work

Posted by likitty - June 21st, 2011

because i haven't eaten anything not breakfast or lunch the picture might not seem correct cause my version isn't doing well due to the fact i haven't eaten anything

i said that william was half woman

Posted by likitty - June 21st, 2011

because they are animals most of them found on my property are used for experimentation or just shot (which is really used) or tortured, William and Matthew don't count has men, Matthew isnt a man yet even though he is going through his puberty he tries to act like a child to prevent being tortured and with William i see him as a women cause he sometimes acts like one.

men aren't usually allowed on my house property

Posted by likitty - June 21st, 2011

i forgot which one is which but i need to shoot the one that's looking at me naked, its not right but its normal with men, men are animals aren't they?

im gonna hurt William or Matthew

Posted by likitty - June 21st, 2011

and it came true

in case you cant see what strawberry is saying she is saying: get the hell out of here!!

i had a dream that i was naked

Posted by likitty - June 20th, 2011

so slow that it takes 3 minutes to do something on here, my internet speed is fine and its not my internet.

wow newgrounds you are very slow tonight

Posted by likitty - June 20th, 2011

i was on xbox live when people were chatting on my page (you know i hate people chatting online) i couldn't take it i was about to leave when a guy came and told them to shut up and then we played portal 2 coop mode (we are still playing now) i feel so happy that those people online shut the hell up

im so happy that im saved

Posted by likitty - June 20th, 2011

how am i weird? i don't like online chatting,i don't talking to people, i don't like going anywhere for summer cause there is no where to go and i don't like summer period. damn it >:(

im not weird god damn it