why are you still here?


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likitty's News

Posted by likitty - November 3rd, 2009

where are my smokes?


Posted by likitty - November 2nd, 2009

we go to the mental place where my character is being taken care off.

the doctor: tsk tsk tsk this is the second time you gone crazy

my character: pickle? mother there is a penis in my face

the doctor: you have gone nuts

my character: hello hot dog.

the doctor: yep you should stay here until you go more crazy

my character: there is a hot dog in my ear

the doctor: oh lord

my character: *makes a raspberry*:P

the doctor: i should rape you but people are around me

my character: this floor tastes good

and so my character stayed there until she calmed down.it turns out that to much pickles made that happen


Posted by likitty - November 2nd, 2009

because i give up on my art and flash. *sigh*thank you.


Posted by likitty - November 1st, 2009

i was in my lab when i saw something on the news.and it said' this scientist is a killer'and it showed a picture of me. and then it said'if you see the crazy scientist please kill her for $40,000' that is alot of money but i cant be killed.'hahaha people are more crazy then me' i said while test my death thing. 'hmmm i need a test subject to test the gas chamber' i said.so i walked outside and found someone with a gun to my head. he said'i want that $40,000 dollars so im going to kill you' he pulled the gun back and said' you don't look like a mad scientist' and i said'well the news lies alot' i took him and put him in my gas chamber he said'whats are you doing?' and i said' you are going to die" and the gas was in the gas chamber.and the person died and i said' im not crazy. im insane'

Posted by likitty - November 1st, 2009

i made a picture about it

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Posted by likitty - October 31st, 2009

i drank so much blood.that i am still thirsty so i drank some water.anyway i hope you enjoyed halloween.hahaha i hope you did not get biten by me mhahaha


Posted by likitty - October 31st, 2009

im thirsty for blood tonight

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Posted by likitty - October 30th, 2009

im a vampire and i like halloween i go find alot of humans to drink blood from.and you are my prey. hahahahaha >:)


Posted by likitty - October 30th, 2009

i woke up at midnight. i could not go back to sleep so i went to walk outside the streets where empty no one was out side so i went looking about so i can feel better until the full moon came out and i heard a howl.i ran to a corner and then a i saw a boy the same age as me.with bright red eyes and fangs and 'hello my prey'.i ran and then more boys came looking the same way. i ran into a ally and they cornerd me' well well well looks like we have dinner guys' one of them said and i was scared they growled at me and they were getting closer to me and i was close to death.one was holding me down. they others were biteing me. i was screaming one of them riped my leg off and was eating me. they rest were doing the same.i was getting eaten alive.i woke you and i was at the mental place.and they said'you were biteing your self and bleeding' i had a headace but it was just a dream. when the docter left me in my cell i saw they had fangs and one showed his red glowing eyes to me. but i was thinking it was just a dream or was it

Posted by likitty - October 29th, 2009

when i was in my classroom (night school) with my friends until i heard that a vampire was going to join our class his name was james he sat next to me. i was a little scared.he smiled at me and said' hello' and i said'hello' we were doing a test and i could not help looking at his sharp fangs and he said' you look very cute.lucky i had this' he gave me something while the teacher was not looking it said you are my best friend. i smiled it was so cool.it had a ruby and it said you are my best friend. i was happy until it was time to go.james called me to walk with him. i said'what is it' he said'something good' but for some reason i woke up and i was in the woods when i saw that james was maybe in my dream or was it? i saw a vampire looking at me like i was its prey i ran not knowing to go until i fall on a rock and then the vampire hsss at me he wanted my blood i tryed to run but he grabed me and bit my neck. in the mean time i was in the hospital recovering but i did not know where the fangs i am growing are coming from. am i human or not?